Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 23

  Search Successes

Rainbow Bridge    Rainbow Bridge  Rainbow Bridge

Please send us your rememberance and a digital photo (if you have one). 

We would be honored to display the memorial for your loved one.

Information can be sent to Patty at


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;

those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,

just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;

they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.

His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,

you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head,

and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown

 These Greyhounds have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and will be remembered fondly by their families...

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Holly Young

Holly Young

Holly, aka Cry Asia, was born January 9, 2008 and crossed the bridge on July 2, 2012. We adopted Holly from GFNJ on December 26, 2009. Thus the reason and the season for her name change. Holly was the perfect pet for us. She instantly became a member of our family if not the leader of the Young pack. She was adamant about getting her twice or more daily walks especially when they involved the beach. Car rides were a must as every walk through the garage meant to Holly a potential car ride with lots to see from the back window.

Adopting Holly so young, we thought she would be with us for a very long time. Unfortunately, she developed bone cancer in her left shoulder. In a matter of six weeks it went from a spot to all consuming where it was starting to spread to other organs. The best food, preventive care, plenty of exercise and attention are no match for this destructive disease when it is intent on claiming its victim.

We have the consolation believing that Holly will be with our first grey, Shannon, romping together somewhere past the Bridge, free of pain, and waiting for us for that longest of eternal walks.

Harry and Paula Young

Celia Schilling

Celia Schilling 3/25/00---6/5/12

Celia was the sweetest girl. Her racing name was Sysyem Cel U Lite; we changed it to Silly, Sweet Celia. She was a failure at the track, but the best pet we could have ever asked for. She was a real DIVA, and so lady-like. We had her, and loved her, for over 10 years. During that time, she travelled with us every where we went, and she loved it. We wanted her to live forever, but, she developed Osteosarcoma. She had her left front leg amputated, and recovered well; she wanted to be with our other dogs, and to run and play as they did. She went partially through chemo, but, unfortunately, we had to let her go to the Bridge only three months from her diagnosis. Now, she is pain free...

Run free, sweet Celia, we will always LOVE you, MISS you, and NEVER forget you.

Love, Mom and Dad, Lucky, Peanut, and Polly(the cat) Schilling

Caesar (PK Spanky)

Caesar (PK Spanky) June 12, 2001-July 30, 2012

Our beloved first greyhound Caesar passed over the Bridge on Monday, July 30, after a brave five month battle with osteo.

A gentle, spooky boy, Caesar stole our hearts the minute we saw his beautiful brindle markings as he got out of Barbara Wicklund's van in April of 2004. A New Jersey Greyhound Friends prison dog, Caesar came from the track in New Hampshire and was exceptionally well-trained, with nearly perfect recall. His gentle ways taught us all the things we didn't know about greyhounds, and he came to trust us and love us as much as we loved him.

Caesar loved running, and he was at his best running in the early morning on the sandy beaches at Hunting Island, SC. He would trot next to me as I rode my bicycle until he realized he was unhooked and we were racing. Then he would explode in joy and leave me in the dust. He'd run to my wife waiting down the beach, grinning incessantly and running wide circles around her, never happier. Sometimes he'd dive into a breaker just for good measure so we got him a collar that said "Salty Dog."

We founded The Grapehound Wine TourĀ® because of Caesar and the love he instilled in us for greyhounds. Three more adopted greyhounds and twenty plus fosters followed, all because of this special, loving, gentle boy who elevated our lives.

Run free, sweet Caesar. We love you and we will see you again!

Larry, Susie, Lexie, Homer, and Bailey

Styling Mark

Mark 7/22/00 - 5/31/12

The first day we met our gorgeous brindle boy, March 26, 2006, we had an immediate connection. It was the best day of my life. You became my best friend, companion, and my four legged son. Through the years of healthy times and sick times, you always showed us happiness. Your big ears always stood at attention, and you always had a smile on your face. Knowing you were loved so much gives us peace in what we had to do. This cancer that ends your life will not diminish your soul or memory. If only we could all be loved so much.

When your spirit is released ,we know you will be pain free. You will run through the meadows with your big ears up and your helicopter tail going a mile a minute. Run my sweet boy and enjoy a healthy life. Our love for you is unconditional. Mark, we will sorely miss you.

Love You, Moms Marianne and Angel

Hercules Percoco

Hercules Percoco May 26, 2003 - May 21, 2012

"Give him your heart and he'll give you his."

Hercules (race name, Topaz Triple H) came into our lives in December 2006 (the best Christmas present ever), when he was three years old. He had an intimidating look about him, tall with a face as dark as night. In a matter of days our family discovered the truth about our new pet. Behind the dark face and the tall athletic build, there was a gentle and kind soul who had so much love to give. Hercules was the sweetest animal I have ever encountered. He loved to be pet and get attention. If he was laying down while being pet and the person had stopped, he would lift his paw onto the person's knee as if to say "Hey! I never said to stop!" Hercules loved going for long walks and playing with squeaky toys. He ate every meal as if it was his last, and even stole a couple of ours! He was always by my side through good and bad times, always lent an ear when no one else would listen, and always made me feel special and loved. Until my father retired in 2007, Herc was left alone during the day until me or my brother got home from school. Hercules loved and missed us so much during the day that he would collect items that belonged to each of us while we were out and place them next to his bed. I remember coming home from school one day finding my iPod, some cooking utensils (my father loves to cook) and my brother's winter hat along with my mom's winter gloves lined up next to his bed. So tonight Herc, I have done the same. On my bed next to me I have your favorite squeaky toy (Mr. Pig) and your collar. I read on the website that a greyhound's only wish is to die as a pet so that he will be remembered. Well Herc, you have more than that. You were never just a pet, you are and always will be a part of our family. You will never be forgotten and will remain in our hearts forever. I cannot wait until the day we meet again baby boy because truth be told, letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire 20 years of life. I miss you like crazy already and I can say the same for Mom, Dad, and Mikey. Happy early birthday baby boy, I wish we had one more to spend together. You know how much we love getting crazy looks at the bakery when we request "Happy Birthday Hercules" to be written on a cake!

Rest in the sweetest peace Herky, we love you so much.

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Victoria and Mikey

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