Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pat C In Charge's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Pat C In Charge

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red

Pat C In Charge is a love bug. She's not only very pretty but she is friendly and sweet. She was described by the folks in Florida as "a happy girl but not jumpy, a nice girl--a favorite." She gives kisses and loves affection. She also walks nicely on leash. Pat C in Charge is 4 years old and cat tolerant with supervision.
Foster Update 2/9/2016
After 140 races, Pat C In Charge (Pat) is ready for retirement – and boy, has she settled right into it!  Born July 19, 2011, Pat is a gorgeous fawn girl.  It has been quite a coup that our family was chosen to foster her – she’s a wonderful hound.

ü        Pat is super affectionate. She loves to be where we are and is great company, including when we work from home (as she snoozes away …) She loves to be petted and to rest her pretty little head on the closest lap.

ü        She’s a happy girl and her tail is always wagging.

ü        She loves toys – all kinds – and has found every one of them that one of her host greyhounds put in his “secret” hiding places.

ü        Pat is good with our kids, ages 10 and 14

ü        She gets along with our two male greyhounds and another foster female greyhound.  One male is a goofball, the other is a debonair older gentleman, and the female is a calm girl.

ü        Pat eats well; has shown no food aggression

ü        She has not demonstrated and space aggression and will often share a dog bed with our other foster, even though there are plenty of empty dog beds in the same room.

ü        She sleeps well at night on a dog bed next to our bed

ü        Pat walks well on a leash.

ü        She rides well in the car

ü        She’s mastered the stairs is adept at walking on our wood, tile, and laminate flooring.

ü        She crates well while we are at work (GFNJ foster requirement)

ü         Pat is eager to please and learns quickly

ü        She has shown a little too much interest to our liking in our highly active cats (Bengals). While she corrects well, she must be supervised when the cats are in her vicinity. That said, Pat maybe better suited to a home without cats or small animals.

Pat is working on two things: counter surfing and stealing. She corrects well, but will sneak a counter surf and pick up anything she’s capable of carrying in her mouth – even when muzzled.  She has not chewed anything she’s picked up; it seems she likes to collect, but is learning what’s off limits and what’s OK to take (dog toys).

Pat is a beautiful girl and we absolutely adore her. She’s happy and truly loves life. We are truly enjoying her know that she’ll make a great addition to the home lucky enough to adopt her.

More about Pat C In Charge

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Pat C In Charge (click to see larger version):

Pat C In Charge Pat C In Charge Pat C In Charge