Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Patience Bones' Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Patience Bones

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red

Patience Bones--what a pretty little peanut of a greyhound!!  She's a calm girl who is friendly and walks nicely on leash.  Some of the volunteers described her as "just a nice, nice girl".  She was described by the folks in Florida as "calm and readily goes up to most people to interact".  She can be caught sitting at times, which is really caught our attention--she looks so darn cute.  Patience Bones turned 4 in May and is cat tolerant with supervision.  She is in a foster home.
Foster Update 7/1/2015

Patience has been with our family for a week and a couple days.  Our family consists of me (her foster mom), my husband, Gigi (my Greyhound), a cat, and two birds.  Patience fits right in.  Patience has no interest in our cat—in fact she stepped right over him.  She has glanced at the birdcages a few times but that’s it.  The first three days she opted to observe the goings-on in our house from the security of her crate.  Those days are long gone as she has now integrated herself into our house and is exploring all the rooms at her own pace.  Sweet, tender, Patience is settling in nicely!

 Patience is on board with our household routine and has never had an accident.  For the first few days I took her out every two hours (usually my foster will empty their bladder each time); Patience chooses to pee much less than that!!  Patience is learning the steps.  She easily goes up 2-3 steps that separate some of my rooms, but is still working on the full long flight to the second level.  She sleeps soundly through the night on a dog bed next to me.  The other day I trimmed her nails while she rested on her bed.  She didn't mind at all.   She is a super easy girl.

 Patience is a lover and she looks deeply into your eyes displaying her desire to connect and bond.  And, let me tell you I am smitten!  Oh wait, I almost left out the best part!  When you arrive home she will greet you with the famous Greyhound full mouth smile—showing all her teeth and making throaty squeals as she can hardly hold back her joy to see you!  This girl knows how to make you feel the love!  Patience loves snuggles, ear scratches, belly rubs and being petted.  She will rest her head on your lap while you read a book and then simply drift off to sleep while you cradle her head.  She understands the word “no” and responds appropriately when corrected—mind you I have rarely had to correct her—once or twice I had to tell her no when she considered nibbling a house plant or taking my hair tie off the coffee table.  She so wants to please.  Did I tell you that she is a super easy girl?! 

 Patience crates nicely during the day when I am at work.  (I admit, I have a spy camera on her and see first-hand that she is peaceful in the crate—no restlessness or crying—just one big snooze-fest!)   I come home at lunchtime and take her for a walk (she has never taken advantage of this time to pee though) and short play time and then re-crate her for the afternoon.  

 Patience walks nicely on the leash—I don’t have a fenced in yard so she has had lots of time on the leash.

 With new people, Patience is reserved initially and then when some attention is given to her she unveils her happy demeanor and playful spirit.  She loves toys (especially her fuzzy plush ball with a squeaker) and will take every toy out of the toy basket and pile them on her bed.  She enjoys independent play and playing with Gigi.  She shares nicely.   She will let you take toys from her mouth happily. 

 She eats her meals slowly and enjoys getting treats which she takes gently from my hand. 

 Patience would make a greyt first Greyhound and with her “get-along” personality would seamlessly add on to a current pack.  It will truly be a lucky adopter that gets to take this girl home.

More about Patience Bones

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Patience Bones (click to see larger version):

Patience Bones Patience Bones Patience Bones