Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fly Daniel Tosh's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Fly Daniel Tosh

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Brindle

Fly Daniel Tosh is one stunning boy.  He's happy, friendly and playful but not pushy.  He likes to receive affection and he gives it back.  He's a leaner.  He's another one of those big mushy boys.  Some of the volunteers called him a big "goober" who just enjoys whatever attention he receives.  He would most likely enjoy a fenced yard where he can run and play a bit.  Daniel Tosh is a young boy and will only be 2 years old in March.  He was cat tolerant with supervision. Daniel tosh would do best with another greyhound or dog as a companiion and to learn from.
foster Update

Say hello to the ever-so-handsome Fly Daniel Tosh (Daniel).  What a precious boy he is!  Daniel is young - he'll turn two in late March, 2014.  He still even has some puppy fluff!  While he does have some energy, he's all Greyhound and gets in his 18 hours of sleep, just like our own 5 year old and 9 year old hounds. He has had no accidents in the house, sleeps on a dog bed next to our bed all night and is crated while we are at work during the day. He goes in his crate with no issues and is still laying down in it when we return home. He mastered the stairs - both up and down - in less than a day. He's a smart boy. He also walks well on our hardwood/laminate/tile flooring.
His foster home includes three cats, plus a foster kitten. He has shown curiosity about the cats, but tends to avoid them, including eye contact.  He does seem somewhat intimidated by them and has made no move to approach or chase them. Two of our cats are rather bold and do not show any concern about him. Generally, these cats are excellent at detecting a cat tolerant hound and haven't been wrong yet.  Daniel's foster home also includes two dog-friendly children, ages 8 and 12; he does well with the kids.  He would do best with kids no younger than this as he does, as mentioned, have some energy to him, though not overwhelmingly so.
Daniel eats well and has shown no food aggression, nor has he shown any aggression about his space. He does well in the car.  He has shown no anxiety issues, however, he does look to our two Greyhounds for guidance and is by no means an alpha. He would do best with another Greyhound or similar as he does enjoy company.  Where Daniel is learning is on improving his leash-walking skills. While he does walk on a leash, he does have a tendency to pull when distracted. We'll continue working with him on this; we're confident that he'll become a leash-walking expert in no time.
Daniel has a long life ahead of him and is eager to please, be loved and to give love. He is a very trusting soul and enjoys being petted, hugged - and hugging. A stunning Greyhound, Daniel is truly maturing into his own, dashing man and will make an excellent companion and friend.


Other Pictures of Fly Daniel Tosh (click to see larger version):

Fly Daniel Tosh Fly Daniel Tosh Fly Daniel Tosh