Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fat Baby's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Fat Baby

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
Adorable tiny girl who is about 47 pounds and who came from a breeding farm in Oklahoma. She is just 1 1/2 years old and enjoys the company of other greyhounds. She is cat tolerant. She is somewhat shy and is in a foster home to learn to interact and to get over her fears. She will need to gain confidence which she is doing in her foster home.

Beautiful Adorable Bright Young

Baby is coming along nicely! She is shy but warms up quickly. Baby gets along greyt with other greyhounds and is not dominant or bossy in anyway. Baby is a follower and will follow the other greyhounds in the house. Baby also gets along well with my Yorkie and Poodle.

Baby is a collector and will take anything that peaks her interest to her bed. She does not chew just collects. I found my throw rug missing in front of my sink and yes you guessed it, my rug was on her bed. At any given time baby could have collected all sorts of stuff and places them on her bed. Then you will find her sleeping amongst the pile that she has formed. Baby loves stuffies and will need lots of them to play with.

Baby has also been introduced to my grandchildren and she does enjoy their company.

I would describe Baby as loving, gentle, funny, and sweet and wants to please you.

Baby will need a home that is compassionate to her shyness and to continually show her positive reinforcement. I also recommend Meet & Greets for baby the socialization would be to her benefit. I would also recommend that Baby have another dog in the home she tends to be the happiest and the calmest when there is another dog around her.

Baby would make a wonderful addition to a family that will provide her with the warmth and understanding that she is still young and needs direction but she is very willing to learn and to please
Thank you for allowing us to foster Baby she is a joy and we are very honored to be a part of her life.

Other Pictures of Fat Baby (click to see larger version):

Fat Baby Fat Baby