Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Hallo Aruba Ike's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Hallo Aruba Ike

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black

Adoption Pending

Hallo Aruba Ike is a handsome, smallish sized boy who is very, very sweet.  We all thought that he is just soooo cute.  He is friendly, affectionate, walks nicely on leash--what more could you want--he's cat tolerant with supervision.  Ike is 3 years old.

Foster Update 6/13/2012

Update from foster mom & dad: Ike is an absolute gem of a boy. He settled in very quickly and picked up on housebreaking within a day or two. He taught himself the stairs and found the toy basket almost immediately….Ike loves going into the basket, picking out a toy and throwing it around for a while. Then it’s back for another, until eventually the basket is empty! Ike will make a great addition to your home, either as an only grey or an addition to your pack.

 Now a note from Ike: Hi everyone – it’s me, Ike (aka Hallo Aruba Ike), coming to you from my foster home.

 I sure do love retirement! I don’t want to brag but I’ve been told that I’m really lovable AND smart. Guess it’s because I taught myself how to use the stairs (it was easy once I watched Vegas and Reno, the other 2 greys living here), made friends with the cat and meet mom at the door every night for hugs and kisses.

 I love it here but hope I find my forever home soon – will it be you?

More about Hallo Aruba Ike

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Hallo Aruba Ike (click to see larger version):

Hallo Aruba Ike Hallo Aruba Ike Hallo Aruba Ike