Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fly Bye Anna Cat's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Fly Bye Anna Cat

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White & Black

Adoption Pending !

Fly Bye Anna Cat is a cute, happy girl. She is very friendly and interacted nicely. This 2 year old is too playful for a cat--what a good "lookin gal though.

Foster Update:
Anna may just be the easiest, sweetest, prettiest foster I have ever had! She should be called "Amazing Anna" since she is just two years old. If you are looking for a first greyhound or to add to your family, I guarantee you will fall in love with Anna. Anna settled in within minutes of arriving at my house as if she had lived in a home all of her life. She is extremely affectionate, wags her tail like crazy when you pet her, has a very playful nature, but is calm and quiet. And she is just gorgeous! Anna has discovered stuffies and is playing with the other greyhounds. So far my shy boy is her favorite playmate, and they run and wrestle in the back yard. She loves hard chew bones, and gathered an assortment around her in her bed like nursing puppies! It was so cute, but she isn't possessive of them. Although she likes to be with the other greyhounds, if they run out through the doggy door and leave her behind, she just looks at me as if to say "where did they all go?" and then calmly goes back to her bed. She walks beautifully on a leash and is very friendly to everyone. She negotiates stairs with no problem, and the housebreaking is going beautifully. Kids playing in the yard next door interested her, and she made friends at the fence in a few minutes with the Rottweiler who lives there. She jumps right into the car and is good as good for car rides. In a word, Anna is a total LOVE. I doubt I will have the pleasure of taking care of her for very long, because I'm guessing that as soon as this update is posted, Fly Bye Anna Cat will "fly" right out the door and into her forever home!

Other Pictures of Fly Bye Anna Cat (click to see larger version):

Fly Bye Anna Cat Fly Bye Anna Cat Fly Bye Anna Cat