Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Perfectly Real "Pete"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Perfectly Real "Pete"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Fawn

Petey was recently relinquished through no fault of his own there was illness in the family that forced them to make the hard decision to return Petey. The adopters described him as " He is a wonderful, affectionate, funny, obedient boy, whom we love very much. "  Petey has been diagnosed with megaesphagus which is an issue that causes him to have difficulty getting food past his esphagus.  He eats in a "Bailey" chair which allows him to eat upright and to allow his food to go down into his stomach.  He eats at least 3 times a day and care must be taken that he doesn't eat anything else as this can be aspirated.  Petey loves to eat and gets right into his "chair".
He is in a foster home and this is what his foster mom said:
Pete is the sweetest boy, so affectionate and gets along well with my 3 greyhounds (1 boy & 2 girls) He was an only dog in his previous home. He has put on a couple of pounds since I have gotten him, in which he was in desperate need of. 

Due to his Megaesophagus he eats well in his Bailey chair, I have him eating 3 times a day.  He sure does enjoy his meals. He sleeps well through the night.  He is not a pushy dog, he plays well with toys.  There are so many positive things about him I cant say enough about him, he has the cutest little tail due to having happy tail. 

If you are interested in getting more information about Petey, please call Linda at 732-356-4370.  
Original Posting
 Perfectly Real whose call name is "Pete" is a very handsome fella. He's sweet and friendly, calm and mellow. He walks nicely on leash and made a very good impression on all of us.  It was very hot when the pictures were taken, and he's more handsome than his pictures show. Pete likes people, but no cats please.  He's 3 years old.

Foster Update 8-1-11

Perfectly Real Pete is perfect in every way . We call him by his call name "Pete".

Pete is a very handsome boy with a gentle soul. He is a true gentleman,and very mellow. He is truly a very happy boy and even wags his  tail when he is eating his meals.

Pete lives with other greyhounds and 2 parrots. He is getting along very well with the other greys and is very respectful of their space.

He has had no accidents and does well going up and down the steps. He is crate trained and often times if I can't find him on his favorite bed he is enjoying a nap in his crate.  He does well in or out of his crate when I am out running errands. 

Pete is a very good listner and is easy to redirect when needed. Which I have not had to do much of. Pete walks well on a lead and likes riding in my SUV. 

Pete would make a great addition to an excisting greyhound home or a first time greyhound.  

Other Pictures of Perfectly Real "Pete" (click to see larger version):

Perfectly Real Perfectly Real Perfectly Real Perfectly Real
Perfectly Real Perfectly Real Perfectly Real