Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fidelma "Bugsy"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Fidelma "Bugsy"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red Brindle
Bugsy is an adorable 9 year old brood mama. She is sweet and quiet and cat tolerant. She is in foster care and more information to follow.

Here is an update on Fidelma "Bugsy"

Bugsy (should've been named Angel as she is such a sweet angel girl) is so sweet and calm. She loves everyone. She gets along great with our two greys, Frank and Bob, as well as with our two cats and three dachsunds.

She came to us in December and you would never know she hadn't been in a home before as she acted like she was at home right from the beginning. She came right in and picked out her bed. She never had an accident and learned where the door was to the backyard on the first day. She mastered stairs the first day as well. She sleeps on her favorite bed with her greyt friends in the living room and greets us in the morning with a smile and wagging tail. She has a favorite toy that she loves to flip in the air and chase and loves for you to play the game with her. She loves belly rubs and her afternoon walks. She loves her small milk bones . A very, very darling girl who just loves being loved.

More about Fidelma "Bugsy"

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Fidelma "Bugsy" (click to see larger version):

Fidelma  Fidelma  Fidelma