Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Fire Eater "Gigi"'s Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Fire Eater "Gigi"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black

Fire Eater is a cutie pie with the sweetest face and personality. She is very friendly, outgoing and a real tail wagger. We all thought that Fire Eater is just the cutest little girl with a cutre personality to match.  She is 2 years old and cat tolerant with supervision.

Foster Udate

Gigi is a sweetie, and the happiest little girl -- she's always
wagging her tail and giving kisses (to people AND dogs).  She settled
into the house quickly, mastering the stairs and taking to toys right
away.  I think she emptied every toy basket in the house by her second
day here, taking most of them to her bed to create her own little
"stash".  She is, however, still learning which baskets have toys and
which have other things (like magazines, for example), but she's
responsive to correction and learns quickly.  Gigi loves to meet new
people, and was great on a visit with my 20-month-old nephew and his
baby sister.  She's also quite the snuggler, always wanted to be by
your side.  She was profiled as "cat workable" but we can't personally
speak to her reactions as she hasn't come across any cats or small
dogs yet during her time with us.  

  Gigi would do great with a fenced in yard, as she
loves to stretch her legs and romp around with a toy when she's
outside.  This little girl is wonderful, with loads of personality and
lots of love to give.  Won't you let her give it to you?

Foster Update 11/14/2010

Just wanted to let you know that Gigi is doing well.  
 We're having tons of fun with her though - she's
just the cutest.  Always wagging her tail and trotting around the
house with one toy or another.  The toy baskets have been empty ever
since she got here.  I can put all the toys away, and hours later
they're out again :)  This little girl is not lacking for personality
*at all*, and always has us laughing at her little antics.  Quite the
comedienne :)  She adores meeting new people, big and small, wherever
we go.  Gigi would be a great addition to any family, but she
definitely needs a yard, as she just can't get enough of ours.  She's
happy to go out to romp around and play whenever she has the chance,
and is always eager anytime someone approaches the back door.
Overall, just a joy to have around, and such a sweetheart.

More about Fire Eater "Gigi"

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Fire Eater "Gigi" (click to see larger version):

Fire Eater  Fire Eater  Fire Eater