Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pat C Corky Gal's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Pat C Corky Gal

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black
Adoption Pending
Pat C Corky Gal is one gorgeous gal with a personality to match. She is calm, friendly, sweet and walks nicely on leash--now what more could you ask for in a companion.  This little girl who impressed us all just arrived and we are happy to have her in our Greyhound Friends family. She just turned 5 in July and is cat tolerant with supervision.
Foster Update:  Corky is the sweetest little girl.  She gives kisses, comes
to her name and knows" no" and stay.

She is very good with cats and small dogs.  She even likes children. She is
house broken and goes to the door

when she wants to go out.  The best part is her color.  She is not black,
but a rich chocolate brown.  Look at her picture.  She greets you at the door
when you come home and her tail never
stops wagging.  She is a perfect first
or only dog, but she will fit right in with other greys too.

More about Pat C Corky Gal

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Pat C Corky Gal (click to see larger version):

Pat C Corky Gal Pat C Corky Gal Pat C Corky Gal