Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pawtucketshuffle's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Pawtucketshuffle

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Light Fawn
Adoption Pending
Pawtucketshuffle whose call name is "Shuffle" is a very striking boy! Look at that gorgeous face--Yikes!  He is friendly, outgoing and a playboy.  He air snaps and chatters when he is happy--how cute! He would enjoy a yard to run and play. This boy is 5 years old. He is cat tolerant with supervision.
Foster Update 1/10/2010:
If I could use one word to describe Shuffle, it's LOVABLE. He is always wagging his tail and he loves to give kisses!! He did awesome in his crate last night and went right outside   this morning. He's already going up and down the stairs and acts like he's lived in a house his entire life. If he is out in the yard or around the house and you call his name he comes right to you. He really LOVES people!! This boy is just an all around joy. He gets along well with our other dogs and could care less about our cat. He is a sweet, happy go lucky boy and is going to make one lucky adopter VERY happy!!!!!! I can't say enough about his wonderful loving personality!!

See Shuffles Video below

Foster Update 1/23/2010:

Shuffle has been here for a couple of weeks now and he is just SO LOVING. He wants to be near you and loves getting pet. He has learned the routine of our house very quickly and has had NO accidents. He also discovered the joys of toys and he loves playing fetch. He even learned "give" and waits patiently for you to throw the toy again. Shuffle is extremely smart and just wants to please! His tail just wags and wags all the time. He gets so happy, that his tail wags in a circle instead of side to side ~ How ADORABLE!! Shuffle is a super sweet, happy Love bug!!

Shuffles Blog:

Video of Pawtucketshuffle:

Other Pictures of Pawtucketshuffle (click to see larger version):

Pawtucketshuffle Pawtucketshuffle Pawtucketshuffle Pawtucketshuffle