Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Pat C Dark Heart's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Female

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About Pat C Dark Heart

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black

Pat C Dark Heart was recently relinquished as she needs to be with another greyhound. The foster adoptive family loved her and said that she was "wonderful and sweet".  She is in foster care and doing great.  If you are interested in Dark Heart, please contact Linda Lyman

 Foster Update 7/19/2017
 Pat C Dark Heart was born March 7, 2014. She is the sweetest girl who just wants to be one of the gang.
  • Heart is an affectionate dog who wants to be near people and dogs and receive love from them.
  • Walks wonderfully on lead. She follows wherever you lead her and walks easily alone or with one of our dogs.
  • She is learning not to cry while in the crate and doing better every day with her separation anxiety. 
  • Sleeps through the night on a dog bed in the floor of the bedroom.
  • Has not had any accidents and is taking to the routine nicely.
  • No space aggression. She does not react when she is sleeping and a dog or human comes near her.
  • Eats nicely in the crate.
  • Met my nieces (ages 3 and 10 months) while muzzled and was gentle and endearing towards them. She would do well in a house with children.
  • She tested cat workable but she can get overzealous when playing with our small dog. Heart would do best in a house with another greyhound.
Heart will bring love into your home but needs some guidance and structure to thrive. She is a curious and playful girl who just wants some TLC.

Original Posting

Pat C Dark Heart is a very pretty little girl with the softest, kindest eyes. She seems very gentle and will make a great companion. She gives kisses and is friendly but not pushy. The volunteers described her as an "old soul"--she was one of our favorites.  She wants to snuggle into a lap if you are sitting or bending next to her--how cute.  Dark Heart turned 3 years old in March. She was curious about the cat at first but easily corrected and lost interest, so she is workable.

Other Pictures of Pat C Dark Heart (click to see larger version):

Pat C Dark Heart Pat C Dark Heart Pat C Dark Heart Pat C Dark Heart