Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 22

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Par Dominic's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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About Par Dominic

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: White and Brindle

Par Dominic was recently relinquished by his family and he is doing well. Dominic needs his forever home. He will turn 7 years old in January 2020.

Original Posting from 1/27/2017

Par Dominic is a gorgeous boy who is very friendly and happy with life. He is affectionate and quickly will give you a gentle hug. He is a fun boy who will make a great companion. This sweet boy walks pretty well when he settles into a walk.  He had a broken leg in June that was surgically repaired in Florida and doesn't slow him down at all.  Par Dominic turned 4 in January and he is cat tolerant with supervision.
Foster Update 2/1/2017

Par Dominic was born January 25, 2013. This handsome boy has a gorgeous white and brindle coat and is an absolute pleasure to foster due to his calm personality. He is very gentle, so much so that he would make a great therapy dog candidate. Here’s why you may want to consider welcoming Dominicinto your life and home:

  • Very affectionate; he is a true lover that enjoys being with the people in his foster home and getting petted and snuggled.
  • Crates well while we are at work/school.
  • Listens well and knows his name; Dominic is very eager to please and very much so looks to the people in the house as his leaders.
  • Gets along with our two male greyhounds (a goofy 8-year-old and a 12-year-old elder statesman). We are also fostering a 2-year-old female, Fly Quickly, that he also enjoys spending time with.
  • Does well with our dog-friendly kids, ages 11 and 15.
  • Ignores our 3 cats and 1 kitten (and, believe me, they’re hard to ignore).
  • Mastered the stairs and walking on our wood/tile/laminate flooring (the stairs are carpeted).
  • Eats well; has shown no food aggression.
  • Has not shown any space aggression.  
  • Travels well in the car.
  • Is a gentleman on the leash.
  • Will make a fantastic “ambassadog” for greyhound adoption as Score is very gentle and calm.
  • Has not had any accidents in the house; he has excellent house manners.
  • GFNJ fosters are not allowed on furniture;


Dominic has really endeared himself to us and, while he is very laid back and calm, he also does well socially. In fact, when we took him and our female foster to visit with an elderly and frail gentleman, Dominic gave the man gentle affection. He will bring this peaceful aura into his forever home, along with an abundance of love.

More about Par Dominic

Good with Cats

Other Pictures of Par Dominic (click to see larger version):

Par Dominic Par Dominic Par Dominic Par Dominic